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2018년 이후로 22개 도시를 여행하고, 살아보며 찍은 필름 카메라 사진들을 모았다. 작품명은 당당히 을 외치지만, 사진이 묘사하는 이야기들은 대체로 불건전하며 교훈도, 알맹이도, 맥락도 없다. 대부분의 사진이 술에 취한 상태로 찍히고 찍었던 점만을 고려하더라도 이 여정은 그다지 하지 않았음을 알 수 있다. 24년 인생에서 가장 의미있는 취미인 필름 사진 촬영을 통해 얻은 소중하고 건전한 기록들을 웹을 통해 선보인다.

It is a collection of the photos that I took with my film camera since 2018 while traveling and living in 22 different cities. The title of the work proudly shouts but the narratives depicted in the photographs are generally unsound, and there are no lessons, no contents, nor context. Just considering the fact that most of the photos were taken while getting high of alcohol, you can guess that this journey was not very wholesome. Precious and wholesome records obtained through film photography, the most meaningful hobby in 24 years of life, are presented through an online web app.

Edits by
Design by
Photos by
Web development by
Millions of hangovers by

기특한 채팅 위젯 를 이용해 하영과 실시간으로 대화를 나누실 수 있는 기능을 선보입니다. 멋져요, 훌륭해요, 잘 만들었어요, 그 외 하고싶은 이야기들이 전부 소중히 여겨질테니 부담갖지 말고 남겨주세요. 늦지 않게 확인하거나 제가 온라인이라면 바로 잡담에 들어갈 수 있습니다.

Using the most wholesome chat widget you and I can have a real time talk. Excellent!, Brilliant!, It’s a great work! etc. Every word will be cherished so leave your comment here. I will check it not so late or we can have a 101 conversation right away.

The world's most wholesome travel that has ever existed. Though my pocket is empty as hell, my mind is richer than ever. The world's most wholesome travel that has ever existed. Though my pocket is empty as hell, my mind is richer than ever. The world's most wholesome travel that has ever existed. Though my pocket is empty as hell, my mind is richer than ever. The world's most wholesome travel that has ever existed. Though my pocket is empty as hell, my mind is richer than ever. The world's most wholesome travel that has ever existed. Though my pocket is empty as hell, my mind is richer than ever. The world's most wholesome travel that has ever existed. Though my pocket is empty as hell, my mind is richer than ever. The world's most wholesome travel that has ever existed. Though my pocket is empty as hell, my mind is richer than ever. The world's most wholesome travel that has ever existed. Though my pocket is empty as hell, my mind is richer than ever.